Tuesday 4 January 2011

First keiko for 2011

I am glad that the dojo did not take too long a time off before we start training for 2011. That being said I could still do my own training but I would still prefer to train with my fellow friends on the mat. It would be nice to have a few tatami mats at home! 

When I arrived at the dojo sensei was holding a piece of paper. After we opened the dojo we went to the notice board to put up the piece of paper and immediately I knew what it was. Our roster. Sensei has arranged for us to take classes for 3 days in a row, in turns. N will take the first 3, then myself, and finally Chiong. This will go on until sensei's knee has receovered and he is well enough to take the class. I can see from my occassional glimpses at his expression during our training that he feels very left out, sitting there with his crutches next to him and looking on. I wish him a speedy receovery.

N sempai took the first class for 2011 and taught on katatedori shihonage and shomenuchi dai nikkyo. C wasn't feeling well so we were the only 2 yudansha in class that day. In a sense tonight's class was quite a relaxed class as I took turns training with all the juniors. After class N and iIpracticed on our suwariwaza locks and a couple others worked on their shomenuchi dai nikkyo. They were also very eager to improve on their kaiten ukemi and I spent some time with them on their locks and kaiten ukemi. I got to know the new students abit more and it was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. I also used the opportunity to explain more about the dojo and training etiquette. 

I've also prepared a brand new training notebook for 2011. I had one for 2010 but it was abit on the small side. Lefties apparently don't have visually pleasing penmanship (I get that all the time in the office) so writing small could aggravate other's poor eyesight as well as my own.

After arriving home I received good news from an aikido friend in Singapore; Horii shihan will be in Singapore on 2nd May 2011 for a one day seminar!! The last time I met him was in July 2009 MAA 15th anniversary seminars. I really enjoyed his session and his approach to training. I am so excited to be able to join his seminar again. I hope that some of our members will be able to attend as well. I better book my tickets!

With C and Horii shihan at the MAA 15th anniversary seminar.
If anyone is interested in joining the seminar, make your preparations now!

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