Saturday 1 December 2012

An eventful day

A sense of hopefulness is growing inside me. Revision is drawing to an end and it is 2 more days before the "big" day. The more I revise the more I lose data. I am not really making sense, am I?

Tired out from the recent constant use of my diminishing brain power, I overslept only to wake up near noon. Luckily I remembered that today is the deadline to settle my insurance issues, I quickly made my way to the City Office. Although it was lunchtime my matter was settled within a matter of minutes and soon I was on my way to school. 

As usual on abstinence Friday I had a nice soba set lunch (which was very filling by the way) before heading for class. Class seats were switched as they do once a fortnight and I am glad that I do not have to sit right in front. On Fridays we get to watch a video with some Q&A before proceeding to grammar and kanji lessons.

The video we watched today was an interesting one. It was the story of a man who was punished by being set back in time whenever he fails to do a gratuitous deed when the situation arises. He wakes up on that particular day at 10:00hrs with a detailed plan to prepare for his girlfriend's birthday. He boards the bus and fails to give up his seat to an elderly lady. He wakes up and it is 10:00hrs on the same day. It happened a few times before he realized what was going on. Dreading to be sent back in time he helps out anyone who is in trouble. In the end his could not carry out his itinerary and also ended up losing his girlfriend to another man. From then one he continues to carry out gratuitous deeds and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize several years later. Unfortunately at the prize giving ceremony he accidentally stepped on someone's foot and ended up being set back in time! Although it was a fictional story the presentation was funny nevertheless. That was the fun part of class today.

It was my turn to buy groceries today and I felt like cooking something more special to take myself out of this sense of hopelessness temporarily before being sucked into it again during revision. I am not too happy with the arrangement but I will just have to leave it for another time. I enjoyed the cooking process as everything was cooked from scratch, including the sauce and dressing.
After dinner it was time to head to the cafe and get on with my revision. To my pleasant surprise I bumped into Ueshiba sensei and had a small chat with him. He very nicely wished me all the best for my coming exams. Smile. After revision I went for a walk with my flatmate and took some pictures of the neighbourhood.

Unfortunately the Christmas lightings had been switched off by the time I came back from my evening walk thus cutting short my clicking time. Awwww. I will have plenty of time after my exams. Hehehe.

I don't think I will be able to sleep anytime soon tonight so I might as well do another round of revision.

Twas a good day.

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