Tuesday 28 December 2010

AMA seminar 24-26 December 2010

Tis the season to be jolly and I decided that I will spend Christmas this year at an aikido seminar and to support my sensei's sensei in his yondan grading. I missed out on the Friday evening session but had a full day on Saturday. The 2 sessions in the morning was taken by Zainuddin sensei and afternoon's double sessions were taken by Yusuf sensei. It was my first time meeting Yusuf sensei and it was a pleasure training in his session. I noticed that he consistently made one comment during training which is telling the students "relak. Relak. Relak!" 

The night session was replaced by the grading session which was orinigally planned to take place on Sunday morning. I was uke for one of Zainuddin sensei's student for his shodan exams. The grading session took place for candidates going for Ikkyu, Shodan, Nidan and Yondan. As you can see it will not be a short one. The grading session was followed by a BBQ dinner.

The last session on Sunday was a 2 hour session jointly conducted by Zainuddin sensei and Yusuf sensei. In this session the senseis touched on the observations made suring the grading session the night before. Comments were made on technique, execution as well as etiquette. I took down notes of whatever I can remember during the seminar to share with my friends back home.

Congratulations to Zainuddin sensei and Suzalie sensei on their success at the yondan examinations and to all other successful candidates. As for those who did not make it, continue to train and another time will come for you to go to another level.

My last seminar for 2010!

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