Thursday 16 December 2010

Taking the class..who?

Sensei is still recovering from his knee injury and apparently he is now also suffering from gout (yes yes, all those kambing) so he texted T to tell us that one of us will conduct the class on Wednesday night. So when I found out from T about sensei's instructions I could hear his oh-so-familiar words, "you cannot run away from people have to conduct the class one day". I reckon that the day has come no matter how much protest and resistance given. I told N to take the class and the reply was, " I thought C is taking the class." Hahahaha. No one wants to do it but someone has to do it. So we decided to let C take over the class. I opened the class with warm-up, stretching and drill. I decided to do the drills a little bit differently to give the members a different perspecitive of looking at training. After that it was a 1 minute break before C takes over the class.

It was very good of him to take the class without any comment. He has a good attitude because the first thing he did was to look at the syllabus to decide what to teach. (I think from now on I better prepare my notes JUST IN CASE).

So, we started with kosadori ikkyo drill. Aite take turns with the entering movement but stops there. We did 20 repetitions on each side. After that we did yokomenuchi shihonage. C tried his best to explain the role of nage and uke on the execution of this technique and later on split the class and concentrated with the juniors on polishing the technique. As for the yudansha we did kosadori dai ikkyo to yonkyo. As I was training I noticed a few things that I would address in taking a class. I've got that down on my little notebook for reference so just in case if sensei decides to do a surprise "attack" on me...I am prepared for it.

I enjoyed watching C teach. I can see his growth as an aikidoka and as an individual. I've always admired his positive outlook in life and his commitment towards training in the given circumstances. Don't ask, just do!

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