Monday, 29 June 2009

Popping balls!

I went to hang out with sifu and grandmaster at Saffron one night wanting to have a look at the bar that was newly opened last week. I really like the orange walls and the tiled wallpapers. Nice ambience.

As we sat at the bar deciding what to order for drinks I was recommended to try the "Paris Sunset". Sounds nice and after getting clarification on what the flavours are I decided to order one, not without protesting that there should also be a "Brunei sunset"!

These balls look different from the ones you get when drinking milk tea.

Guess what?

They are different!

These are no ordinary balls...

They are called "popping balls!"

You see, the balls pop in your mouth when you apply pressure and syrup comes out of them! It is a nice sensation when that happens and you would drink like a little child, looking for more balls to pop! The flavour of the syrup in my balls were passion fruit I think...The drink was a little on the sweet side.

Order one now and try it out. It's so good it pops in your mouth!

Exclusively at Saffron.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

My second set of finnies

I was so excited when Ing passed my my Force Fin Pro last night after dinner. When she handed the box to me she took great pains to assure me that the fins are indeed yellow despite the pink fins displayed on the box.

Light these fins are.

I tried them on with the dive socks but I need to pull the strap all the way to the end to secure my foot. I wonder if they may be a bit loose. Anyhow there are always the booties later on hehe.

I probably won't be able to start diving until mid July with the upcoming aikido seminar and work. Can't wait to try these out! If its good for me I might ask C to donate her force fins to me! hahahaha.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Ha Ha Ha!

I know it is rather belated but it still warrants a post on my blog.

The cancellation of the Hello Kitty concert was one of the best things that happened this year!

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Natural born poser- my dah-ling B

Am I cute or what?

Please don't stare...I shy...

Ok since you like me so much I will smile for the camera

By now you would be completely under my spell...

Resistance is futile...

Love you to bits my cute munchkin!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Aiyo! My Yamato summer dogi is still in the shop.

Why? Both the computers in the shop are down and have been sent to be re-formatted. It looks as if it will be another week before I get my dogi back which brings it to 3 weeks! I just hope the embroidery can be done in time for me to bring to KL for the seminar next week!

If not I will just have them embroidered after I get back...

Monday, 22 June 2009

Hey guys, miss you!

The 3 Ms, pride and joy of my aunt S and uncle C

The intelligent and responsible M1

The warm and passionate M2

The adorable and cheerful M3

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Happy Father's Day

To all the fathers out there

Friday, 19 June 2009

AD DVD night

Finally after a couple of month's the 10th IAF congress & Seminar DVD has arrived! Many thanks to Chiong san for making the online order. He went through quite a bit of problems before finally getting the dvd. Apparently after waiting for some time he wrote to the website selling dvd to inquire the status of the dvd delivery. The reply was that they did not receive payment and he has to make another credit card payment. After issuing threats to report this matter to Hombu and admonishing the vendors for their less than virtuous business practices the dvd arrived a few days later.

I thought that the members would benefit from watching the seminar I suggested that we hold a dvd might for AD members. Actually there was an ulterior motive...and very minor one I might add. Well 3 of us from AD attended the seminar and since sensei and I conscientously attended each session I thought there might some footage of us on the mat. I know, how vain you might say. At least I am honest about it hehehe.

We had a potluck session and Chiong and Jeon took the trouble to getting vegetarian food to cater for my current diet which I am very grateful for. After some small chat and dinner the dvd premiere went underway. I was quite certain that I would not be featured in the dvd because Chiong said he scanned through the dvd and he saw only 2 of us in the dvd. We all who the first person is and when I saw sensei on the dvd I was convicted that I am doomed to the realm of the unknown. I was even accused of not attending the seminar and going shopping by my sensei! His ego was very inflated by then because we could all see him in seiza in the first row during Smibert shihan's session. Apparently the footage of AI was not too clear because he was seated quite far behind. Well I knew that I was there and I have the pictures to prove it!

As we settled down to watch the sessions after exclaiming and pointing out friends and acquaintances on the dvd everyone sat in fixation and admiration of the quality of aikido that is shown by the shihans and their uke.

It was great to refresh myself with what has been taught during that week in Tanabe. To me it was really aikido heaven. There are many things that I would like to say about my life with aikido but I think for now it is best kept to myself. All I can say is that aikido opened a new chapter of my life and made a very impact in my life. I could have started aikido earlier when I was in university but I believe there is a reason why I would only acquaint myself to it only 2 years ago. Since then its been a very interesting and enlightening time. I wouldn't dare say that I will be training aikido forever as I do not know what will happen tomorrow. I can say though is that aikido has become a very big part of my life and I will continue to learn it and come to my own finding as to what it embodies. As long as I able, aikido will always be by my side. I also made many friends, good ones at that too, because of aikido.

Enough said. I reckon there will be a few things that my senpai would like to try on Monday's training as a result of the dvd night. I am looking forward to all of it.

P/S: you can see more pictures of the DVD night here.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

My summer Dogi

My summer dogi has arrived!

This is the first time I have purchased dogi from Yamato and I must say the dogi feels so light to the extent that I did not feel as if I was wearing a dogi. You see my body is accustomed to the thicker and thus heavier dogi so this is an adjustment. But it will be wonderful for our weather though and I wished I have bought 4 instead of 2. Next time then.

I sent it for name embroidery on the left sleeve last week and was hoping to collect it this week, only to find out that the owner is away and have not programmed the design into the laptop before leaving. That means I will have to wait until next week before I can use it. Nevermind, it is not like I have no dogi to wear and I have a seminar to attend. I can't wait to use it!! hu hu.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

"And what would you like to drink, sir?"

I must say I have loss a fair bit of weight since the beginning of this year and I think it was for a variety of reasons. Mourning, vegetarian diet, training and more training etc. Clothes that I bought 10 years ago still fit and I am feeling good about myself, barring certain days when I do not have enough sleep or eat.

I got myself a couple of haircuts too. First I cut off about 4 inches of my hair which took me 6 months to grow. The hairdresser was cutting and cutting and finally she commented "you have ALOT of hair!" hahahaha. The subsequent haircut saw more hair been chopped off and after work today I am going to get yeat another haircut. I like my hairdo nevertheless. It is very manageable and it take a much shorter time to dry. I don't even need to comb it, just slap on some hairwax and ta-dah!

Not many people are agreeable with my current hairdo though. My family members think that I have lost a big chunk of feminity along with the hair that was chopped off. One commented that I look like a boy. Others have said that they prefer me with long hair. Makes me look more ladylike. The list goes on. But I have one notable addition. Please read on.

So it was another night of hard training at the dojo. There were only the 3 of us seniors that night and the effects of lack of sleep, warm temperature and serious training manifested in frequent requests for water break and catching of air. I can't begin to think of the "intensive training" that awaits us in August 2009!

I went for supper after training. The waitress came over and before she could say anything I ordered a bowl of mushroom soup, to which she asked "and what would you like to drink, sir?" The question didn't register at first because I was feeling rather knackered, but after 3 seconds the last word of the waitress' question echoed in my mind.

Inner reaction--->Apa? Sir???
Outward reaction---> Really ah? Do I look like a sir to you?

Obviously the waitress was embarrassed. I don't think she meant any offence at all. Sometimes you get stuck with certain words when you keep using them again and again. Or maybe I DO look like a boy hahaha. But it didn't get to me, honestly. Because it was what it was. The moment has passed and attachment to that moment is pointless.

Amusing though, do you agree with me?

Monday, 15 June 2009

Majlis Bersanding of Chin and H

The cool couple. Chin looks absolutely gorgeous.

A look of a very happy man!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

"Why do human beings die so miserably, so unhappily, with a disease, old age, senility, the body shrunk, ugly? Why can’t they die naturally and as beautifully as this leaf? What is wrong with us? In spite of all the doctors, medicines and hospitals, operations and all the agony of life, and the pleasures too, we don’t seem able to die with dignity, simplicity, and with a smile… As you teach children mathematics, writing, reading and all the business of acquiring knowledge, they should also be taught the great dignity of death, not as a morbid, unhappy thing that one has to face eventually, but as something of daily life—the daily life of looking at the blue sky and the grasshopper on a leaf"

~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Chin's malam berpacar

When I arrived at Chin's place Andre was doing the finishing touches on Chin's hair. There is a debate on whether to put the veil which will cover that nice bun of her's.

After a while the bride decided that she will do without the veil and opted for flowers instead.

And ta-dah!

What a stunner this bride is.

Posing with sis-ta Zana

Cousin Sophy came in and said that he wanted a picture with the bride too!

Evidence of Sophy's attendance someone murmured hehehe.

Bride taking her seat.

Looking all smiles.

I am ready!

Bride's daddy

Don't forget to turn and smile for the cameras!

With Lulu and the stunning bride