Sunday 28 June 2009

My second set of finnies

I was so excited when Ing passed my my Force Fin Pro last night after dinner. When she handed the box to me she took great pains to assure me that the fins are indeed yellow despite the pink fins displayed on the box.

Light these fins are.

I tried them on with the dive socks but I need to pull the strap all the way to the end to secure my foot. I wonder if they may be a bit loose. Anyhow there are always the booties later on hehe.

I probably won't be able to start diving until mid July with the upcoming aikido seminar and work. Can't wait to try these out! If its good for me I might ask C to donate her force fins to me! hahahaha.


  1. I wanted to get a pair of force fins but the ones specifically for leg work, according to the reviews great way to get slimmer thighs! Then I found out the price tag and am still thinking about it...

  2. You can borrow C's pair and see how it is. She doesn't use them anymore as far as I know.
